Legal Information
Thank you for visiting the legal information page. This page contains detailed legal information about our company, brands, copyright and intellectual property.
Our Company
'BeaverPad™ Canada', also known as ‘Canadaian Eager McBeaver Future Gadgets’ is a company registered under The Business Names Registration Act in Canada.
Our Brands
‘BeaverPad™’ is a registered trademark brand owned by our company, and we reserve all rights to our brand. Using our trademark for any purposes without permission is strictly prohibited. Any individual or group that engages in activities such as using our brand name, logo, business name and information without permission, or engages in any activities related to brand infringement; copyright infringement or any other illegal activities that causes harm to our brand name or damages our business financially or otherwise, will be met with appropriate legal actions by our company.
Intellectual property rights
All contents on our website, including but not limited to, product photos, videos, music, descriptions, marketing materials, are properties of BeaverPad™ Canada, no contents on our website should be used without permission. Any individual or group who uses any of our materials without permission will be met with legal action by our company.
Third party brands and products
All third party brands and product contents presented on our website are properties of their respective owners and used on our website with permission from their respective owners or taken from the public domain. Any individual or group that wishes to use any contents from our website that belongs to a third party must obtain permission from their respective owners.